While im downloading ep 2 for sonic tales ill just tell you about this.
For a french prject we were supposed to come up with a story ANY STORy so we decided to use halo 2 to make a movie. others did it with big paper boards. Heres the script , or what i remember of it since the movie didnt turn out that well ...
Brad: Were am I ? I was just playing Halo 2 when I got transported into my x-box?
Samer shots brad
Brad: Ouch I can feel pain?
Samer: Dude you actually have a face?
Brad: Yeah....
Samer: i like you so im gonna help you follow me
The walk from santuary to colluses
Brad: so can you help me get out of here
Zach: yes but you have to find the skull of ages like the one im holding in my hands.
Brad: Ok
BIG fighting scence with heavy metal music.
alex: you guys should really stop fighting, my names alex and im from the peace keepers assoction and you all stop fighting right now. Wew glad i got that of my chest.
Warthhog runs him over.
Guy: I found the skull!
Brad: o did you now?
punchs him to drop skull
BRad: Im free