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Canival Level

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:09 am
by Alex
In sonic 3 or sonic 3 and knuckles you can eventually get to the carnival level and at a certain part youll be stuck for a which in this room

In the room their is one boucing thing and thats it, the only way to beat it without time running out is to us a bubble shield and bounce as fast as you can and hope it will glitch so you can move threw the wall and rush to the next cheakpoint.

Wonding if anyone else knows what your supposed to do at that part.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:05 pm
by dann
what u do is get on the "bouncy" thing and press up when the thing goes up and down when the thing goes down and eventually it will go far enough up and down where u can just jump off and move on....dont worry, it took me forever to figure it out....